Recovery All Around

I’m still a little sore and feeling somewhat post-op after yesterday’s wisdom tooth extraction, but two side effects have emerged. One is the occasional nosebleed, but I haven’t had one since yesterday (or last night, I think) and the other is these fucking hiccups. Seriously, hiccups annoy me. It makes it difficult for me to… Continue reading Recovery All Around

What's In A Title?

So. The Project. Nice and enigmatic, but I doubt people will be flocking to Amazon to download it to their Kindles. Mrs. Alchemist keeps asking me why I haven’t given it a real title. Honestly, it’s because I can’t pick one. What we have here is a story with a fantasy setting. The protagonist, Asherian,… Continue reading What's In A Title?

Farewell to the Tube

I have almost an entire season of 24 sitting on my DVR at home. I’m going to need to watch it all in the next few weeks, since my wife and I will be moving sometime around May. When we move, it’s likely we’ll be leaving the television behind. Well, we’ll be taking the television… Continue reading Farewell to the Tube

PT: Bouncing Back

It’s been a while since I’ve put together a PT post, and this seems about the right time. Why? Because after the last week I’ve had, wallowing in self-loathing and lamenting my state of affairs, I realized there was something I desperately needed. A swift kick in the ass. Going through transitions in life can… Continue reading PT: Bouncing Back

Today is a…

Nothing interesting going on, really. So move along to something less full of suck.

Why Iron Man Works

So I don’t know about you folks out there in the dark depths of the Interwebs, but I’m very excited about Iron Man 2 coming out in May. We’re thankfully living in a time when comic book adaptation films have emerged from the dark miasma of the previous attempts at Captain America and Spawn. But… Continue reading Why Iron Man Works

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Inglorious Basterds

[audio:] The 2010 Academy Awards are a fading memory. By now most of the Internet has moved on to more interesting things, like porn stars playing D&D. However, if I might indulge your attention for a few minutes, I’d like to discuss one of the films that was in contention for best of the year.… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Inglorious Basterds