Zynga vs. The World

Sigh. I was going to write about Maschine Zeit some more, since I spent some time yesterday working on a little promotional material and trying to drum up some interest. It really made me miss a gaming store in Conshohoken called “The Roundtable” that had a great staff, fantastic atmosphere and fun events. I’d be… Continue reading Zynga vs. The World


[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/r_dogs.mp3] Every now and again, when you start taking on work as a critic, it’s beneficial to remind yourself of what’s good in your chosen medium and why it’s worth defending. It’s why I’ve been playing Half-Life 2 again lately. That’s also the reason why Reservoir Dogs was bumped to the top of my Netflix… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Reservoir Dogs

Bleep the Bleeping Bleepers

People I know tend to cuss an awful lot. I don’t, for reasons I’ll explain later, but it occurs to me that people are talking about and doing some funny shit today for some reason. And cussing can be hilarious if done right. Doing it right requires discussion, though, because for some, cussing is like… Continue reading Bleep the Bleeping Bleepers

About Amateurs

The word “amateur” has a bad connotation. You might look at an art’s student attempt to recreate the Mona Lisa, or a mod for Half-Life designed to make it look like Wolfenstien 3-D, or an Uwe Boll film and say “Ew, that’s completely amateur.” By that, you’re likely to mean “poorly designed, conceived or executed,… Continue reading About Amateurs

Survival's Requiem

This week’s Escapist, “Bump In The Night,” is all about survival horror. Here is the article I pitched them for the issue, all about one of the best games of the genre I never played until I got married. I think there are certain elements of true horror in games that, like in the film… Continue reading Survival's Requiem


This week’s IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! brought to you by a generous donation by Rachel Kraft. Thank you for your support! [audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/pokemon.mp3] I went into this knowing I’m probably not the right audience for the film. I’m not an adolescent and my brain is, as far as I can tell, relatively intact and undamaged. However,… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Pokémon 3