A Brief TF2 Anecdote

My wife started playing Team Fortress 2 on my X-Box live account yesterday. She said she’d gotten some things done in preparation for our move on Saturday, and wanted something ‘quick’ to fill the time. She ended up getting sucked into the epic and pitched conflict between RED and BLU. She’s discovered that she’d probably… Continue reading A Brief TF2 Anecdote

Free Comic Book Day

Didn’t really feel like grabbing a new image since I’m feeling a bit lethargic, so have some Guardians of the Galaxy goodness instead. So yeah. TONS of comics. I remember the first couple of times I sort of swung by a comic book store on Free Comic Book Day, and picked up a Keenspot anthology… Continue reading Free Comic Book Day


[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/predator.mp3] Monster movies. People just love monster movies. Back in the 30s, the monsters were mostly human in appearance, with Dracula and The Mummy setting the stage for what came after. The 50s saw the type of monsters growing into the more surreal, with The Creature From The Black Lagoon, Them! and It Came From… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Predator

Game Review: Portal

Aperture Science Forms FORM-27991563-888: Testchamber Facility After-Action Report Per your instructions, I have begun to compile the observed and recorded data recovered following the successful completion of testing executed for and by test subject code-named “Chell.” While the repairs to the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center may take some time, it is with the utmost… Continue reading Game Review: Portal

Twelve Fifty

1250 was rough. I’m not referring to the year, although the Naple’s Plague certainly wasn’t a picnic for everybody. Instead, last night I sat down and raised my per-day goal from 1000 words to 1250. Now, maybe it was because I spent the first hour or so after getting home installing Oblivion on the main… Continue reading Twelve Fifty