From the Vault: Keeping It Real

Today I’m going back through my novel draft and changing the perspective of the narrative slightly. I did a quick search for ‘perspective’ and came across this post. With Star Wars: The Force Awakens drawing closer, it seemed appropriate to bring this one back. Enjoy! Writers: remember that you are writing about people. Unless you… Continue reading From the Vault: Keeping It Real

Return Of The Blue

I can’t even begin to fully articulate what the last few weeks have been like for me. Hospital. Near-eviction. Rapid, rabid mood swings. Disastrous car trouble. More car trouble. Moving. PAX. Yelling. Broken phones. Tears. And yet… Here I am. Whole. Unbowed. Determined. Unbent. Successful. Unbroken. If I can survive this, I can probably survive… Continue reading Return Of The Blue

Retaliation vs. Retribution

I have hackles. I have more hackles than I’d like to admit. And when they get raised, it isn’t a pretty sight. I’m someone that believes that people in general should be treated with respect and understanding, And when they aren’t, be it in meatspace or on the Internet, I get angry about it. I… Continue reading Retaliation vs. Retribution

Quick Update Post

I absolutely hate letting writing go undone for days on end. The problem is, when you have mental conditions that thrive in an environment of self-recrimination, a vicious cycle begins in which you admonish yourself for not doing the thing, you feel hatred towards yourself as a result of admonishment, you take time to recover… Continue reading Quick Update Post

Break Your Heroes

We like to think of our heroes as strong. When they fight evil or overcome obstacles or succeed in their goals, we aspire to the same heights. Deeds of daring and feats of strength or cunning drive us to be the sort of people we want to be, impeccable and flawless paragons of the virtues… Continue reading Break Your Heroes

A Shameless Sale Post

So before I put all of this stuff up on Craigslist, since I need the help with affording a move and things like food and child support, behold! My old White Wolf book collection, going on sale right now! Prices in USD. VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE SOLD! KINDRED OF THE EAST SOLD! WEREWOLF:THE APOCALYPSE Werewolf: the… Continue reading A Shameless Sale Post

500 Words on Chaos

Chaos. I really can’t think of another word that adequately describes my life of late. I’m still looking for a dayjob, something to pay the bills and give structure to my days. I am now looking for a new place to live. I’m counting out pennies to make sure I can eat, my partner can… Continue reading 500 Words on Chaos

500 Words on Suicide

I’ve long had a great deal of respect for Sir Terry Pratchett. His novels set on the unique and impossible geography of Discworld have spoken to me for more than a decade. Good Omens is one of the best novels I’ve ever read. His prolific and unrelenting schedule of writing and releasing his works simultaneously… Continue reading 500 Words on Suicide