[audio:] This review marks the one year anniversary of ICFN’s podcast component, and to celebrate this, uh, monumental occasion, this review is being written and voiced by me, Danielle, aka that wife Josh always talks about. You’ll probably notice some stylistic differences between the two of us, too, so try not to get your panties… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Black Book

Surviving The Patch

He’s back, and he’s pissed. Most of the people I know who play World of Warcraft are looking forward to the latest expansion, Cataclysm. Those of us who’ve played the previous games remember Deathwing, and are pretty pleased with both his place as this expansions ‘Big Bad’ and his upgraded appearance. Because if you want… Continue reading Surviving The Patch

Movie Review: Red

Seeing Red was admittedly not a choice I’d have made on my own. But my mother recommended it to me. Mom doesn’t see too many action flicks, you see. She has an aversion to rampant bloodshed and casual cluster F-bombs. So going into Red, knowing its premise, seeing MovieBob’s review and able to name pretty… Continue reading Movie Review: Red

Reinventing the Wheel

via The San Francisco Chronicle You’ve heard the turn of phrase before. “There’s no need to reinvent the wheel.” Basically it’s an argument that doesn’t necessarily invalidate innovation, but suggests that working within established constraints means less work and a lower investment of time and resources. At the same time, only going with what’s known… Continue reading Reinventing the Wheel

Well, this is embarassing…

Well, crap. This is my own fault. I completely forgot to set up a post for today before I left. Nor did I write any “backup” posts to toss up here in cases like this. So, instead, here’s a picture of Dame Helen Mirren with a machine gun. More on this awesomeness tomorrow, possibly.


[audio:] I am loathe to admit this, but I’ve made it a point in my writing and especially this series not to be disingenuous in my assertions. That’s a good way to get punched in the face. So here it is: I don’t like spook houses. Those standalone buildings in carnivals, fairs and amusement parts… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Pandorum