Writers Gotta Write

I think one of the worst things you can do as a writer is sit idle. I don’t mean physically, though that probably comes into it. The remote control, the take-out menu, the bottle of booze – they’re all comforts we reach for in general. Writers in particular can feel affected, even exhausted, by what… Continue reading Writers Gotta Write

Maverick Meerkat

Dear Windows, You and I are done personally. Professionally we can still work together. It’s not like I have a choice in that. And I’ll still know my way around in you so that people can call me up for tech support at odd hours of the day and night. Because, you know, that’s what… Continue reading Maverick Meerkat


[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/splice.mp3] When I was growing up I would hear of stories, movies or episodes of television that were touted as ‘not for the faint of heart.’ They promised thrills and surprises aimed at an adult audience, one that could handle the nature of the material. Not that they wouldn’t have nightmares afterward, mind you, just… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Splice

Work Involving Home

Courtesy Terribleminds The recent influx of white fluffy stuff falling from the sky in the eastern United States has driven lots of people to stay in their homes. Call it what you will – Snowmageddon, Snoviathan, Snowtorious B.I.G. – there are folks like myself doing their utmost to be productive in places where familiar comforts… Continue reading Work Involving Home

Time for a Change

The hardware issues I’m having at the workplace have me thinking it’s time to revamp the system at home. And this blog shouldn’t go untouched either. This layout’s gotten a bit cluttered and I’d like to replace it with something a bit more polished and professional. I dug around WordPress Theme Base, but I’m uncertain… Continue reading Time for a Change

The Old Workhorse

I’m typing this entry from a computer that’s nearly ten years old. It’s been through several moves, more than its share of crises, and quite a few attempts on my part to “fix” it. The 6 key is practically falling off of it, I’ve had to replace its power supply twice, and I occasionally need… Continue reading The Old Workhorse