Raison d'ĂȘtre

You see it happening more often than not. People in a situation that isn’t working as intended or isn’t yeilding the results they need or anticipated try repeating the same behavior of failure instead of doing something new. They attempt to capitalize on repetition rather than initiating change. Albert Einstein (reportedly) calls it the definition… Continue reading Raison d'ĂȘtre

Dragon Tales: The Battle of Albridge

Being the stories and recollections of Dozril Tumbledown, traveling minstrel and friend to all, regarding the exploits of the wandering band called the Heroes of Harkenwold – Andrasian the elvish warrior, Krillorien the eladrin priest of Pelor, Melanie Good-Melons of the Arcane Tower, and Lyria Thorngage of the Junction Thorngages. Yes, yes, gather ’round, gather… Continue reading Dragon Tales: The Battle of Albridge

Guest Post: Deer Santa

As I head back down from Canada, please enjoy this thematically appropriate short story from Joe McGee. He’s been a busy guy, working on his paranormal Western novel Witchslinger, dabbling in children’s picture books and pursuing his Master’s of Arts in Writing at Rowan University. You can find his web page at here, his blog… Continue reading Guest Post: Deer Santa


{No audio this week. We apologize for the inconvenience.} The nice thing about not being an official or professional movie critic is I can be surprised by things. I’ll read, watch and listen to other reviews and keep an eye and ear on the upcoming stuff hitting cinemas, but for the most part when I… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Predators


The story of how I acquired a Kindle is best told in person, so it will not be reiterated here. Having spent about a week with the device, I can safely draw two conclusions about it: Yes, it’s a great way to get books & stories to people on the cheap with convenience and a… Continue reading Kindle-ing

Never Give Up, Never Surrender

Some people declare “GG” the moment the bad guys break into their bases. Would you? Handling rejection means more than just sending out more queries. It becomes more of an over-arching attitude, a modus operandi for the creative mind. At least, it should, in my humble opinion. Case in point: StarCraft 2. Now, I know,… Continue reading Never Give Up, Never Surrender