Writing Exercise: Describe One Thing Ten Ways

Pic Posted on Instagram For Chuck’s latest challenge, I thought I’d describe one of the constants in my life over the past decade or so. 1) He only ever wears one coat, the same creamsicle orange with slightly darker stripes. 2) He likes to wander around the apartment and shout pitiful meows at the walls… Continue reading Writing Exercise: Describe One Thing Ten Ways

Walk That Mile

I’m looking back over my characters, both old and new. The ones I’ve just met definitely need to be fleshed out properly. Older ones that I already know could benefit from some tweaks here and there. But for all characters created in fiction, not unlike people I encounter in real life, walking a mile in… Continue reading Walk That Mile

Categorized as Writing

Fear Not The Muse

Normally, on Thursdays I use this space to geek out about something related to games. For example, I have a deck in Hearthstone that’s doing really well, I have thoughts on how important board game expansions are to a base game’s life cycle, and I want to help more people get comfortable with the somewhat… Continue reading Fear Not The Muse

Self-Publishing Self-Critique

Simmering on the back burner is something I’ve been working on for over a year. It’s relatively complete. It’s got a beginning, a middle, and (in my opinion) a pretty cracking end. I’ve gotten people to look it over and agree it’s at least decent. And yet it sits there. It simmers. It waits. Because… Continue reading Self-Publishing Self-Critique

From the Vault: The Dark Depths of Writing

A late night working plus working from home today equals headaches and other complications, the least of which is the fact that I didn’t prep a blog post yesterday. So while I brew coffee and hunt down painkillers, enjoy reading this post about what writers are. Courtesy Floating Robes You can’t say I haven’t warned… Continue reading From the Vault: The Dark Depths of Writing

Write When You Can't

Courtesy Floating Robes I’m going to tell you a secret. You might already know what I’m going to say, but it’ll be said anyway, as it needs to be repeated. Come on, get closer. Don’t be shy. You ready? Here it is: Being a writer is not about publication. Being a writer is about one… Continue reading Write When You Can't