You Are Your Work's Super-User

guest@blueinkalchemy:/$ make me a sandwich What? No! Make it yourself! guest@blueinkalchemy:/$ sudo make me a sandwich Okay. Eagle-eyed readers will see right away that I pretty blatantly stole that gag from xkcd, specifically from the unixkcd portion introduced on April Fool’s Day. I’ve done this for two reasons. One, I have sudo command lines on… Continue reading You Are Your Work's Super-User

Player versus Player – Who's the Villain?

I’ve been accused, in the past, of being something of a care bear when it comes to PvP content in games. Thankfully, there’s help, even for someone like me. I’m slowly rediscovering what it means to take joy in the misery of other players, thanks to my return to Team Fortress 2. Along with a… Continue reading Player versus Player – Who's the Villain?

Cat-Wrangling Your Ideas

Ever tried to wrangle a cat? Cats are gregarious creatures. Most won’t react too violently when you pick them up, provided you don’t give the impression you’re going to drop them. They’re all furry and purring and affectionate, right up until you try to bathe one. Bathing cats is necessary if there’s a flea issue… Continue reading Cat-Wrangling Your Ideas

Cycles, Trilogies & Other Fancy Words For 'Series'

While I’m busy moving myself and my Canadian half into our swank new Lansdale pad, here are some thoughts I’ve had recently concerning what was lately called “The Project”. I’d originally planned this out as a trilogy of stories to introduce the world, build up some of its history and cultures, and do my utmost… Continue reading Cycles, Trilogies & Other Fancy Words For 'Series'

Twelve Fifty

1250 was rough. I’m not referring to the year, although the Naple’s Plague certainly wasn’t a picnic for everybody. Instead, last night I sat down and raised my per-day goal from 1000 words to 1250. Now, maybe it was because I spent the first hour or so after getting home installing Oblivion on the main… Continue reading Twelve Fifty

Diving Right In

I’d really like to say, “This is a subject that requires no introduction.” It’d be a funny way to open up the subject of exposition, since a lot of stories start out with something expository. Especially in genre fiction, more often than not, the world or worlds in which the tale is set will be… Continue reading Diving Right In