Okay. Now what?

No Flash Fiction this week, as Chuck Wendig is busy putting us through our paces in a monthly worldbuilding exercise. I love building new worlds – I even plan on teaching a class about it – but I find myself wondering about the foundations we build those worlds upon, because I’m at a point where… Continue reading Okay. Now what?

Passing the Test

No writer is an island. Oh, writing’s a solitary profession, no doubt about it. Locked in a corner with only a bottle of booze for company, etc and so on. We grow our beards, we yell obscenities at our pets, we quietly cry as we contemplate our heroes having sex. We do this all on… Continue reading Passing the Test

Flash Fiction: Another Three Sentences

Brevity is the soul of this latest challenge from Chuck Wendig. The protagonist has reached this point through trial and error (mostly error) but the goal is now within reach, allies close by and enemies poised to strike. The audience is expecting a resolution to the conflict, be it a happy ending, one involving varying… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Another Three Sentences

Book Review: Revenge of the Penmonkey

You know those books about writing out there? Novels and Groupies for Dummies? The Idiot’s Guide To Being The Next Stephen King? How I Did It by Stephenie Meyer? That’s amateur hour. Kiddie stuff. On the battlefield of serious writing, where the freelancers struggle every day to make something happen, to feed themselves through words,… Continue reading Book Review: Revenge of the Penmonkey

A Writer's To-Do List

So last week’s ICFN was delayed. It’s still on hold. I’m waiting to hear back from third parties that were interested in conveying it to a different format. Awaiting correspondence always makes days or weekends feel longer, from responses to job postings to queries about Magic trades. But while I was waiting I took a… Continue reading A Writer's To-Do List

Take A Walk

Writers: when was the last time you went for a walk? Some of you may do it every day. Some of you might go to a gym so what do you need a walk for? Others? Pfft, that’s what I bought a car for, son. Pedestrians are bonus points to me. I decorate the grille… Continue reading Take A Walk