The Disorder of Art

Courtesy Floating Robes “Apropos of nothing,” asks one person, “what’s the name of the mental disorder/condition where a person thinks his or her art/work is never good enough?” The immediate response from the other is, “…being an artist?” It pretty much is a mental disorder, as it fucks with your brain almost constantly. It can… Continue reading The Disorder of Art

The Limitless Genre

If you step away from science fiction, you may see a tendency among its writers and creators to divide it up into different sub-genres. Time travel is practically its own sort of story, as is ‘hard’ sci-fi, along with various “_____punk” styles and derivations of the space opera. I mean, Blade Runner is noir, Flash… Continue reading The Limitless Genre

Writer Report: Q4

We have entered the busiest time of the year at the dayjob. I’m putting in a lot of extra hours, late nights, weekends, you name it. This means I’m lacking the time and energy to fully focus on my writing. This bothers me, but I’m not sure how I can change this. Maybe I need… Continue reading Writer Report: Q4

On The Fringes

When I watch a good television program or film, one with a narrative that builds its characters and takes the plot in ways one might not expect, I feel the dichotomy in me between watcher and writer. In the moment the story is happening, the emotional connections I feel with the characters, if they are… Continue reading On The Fringes

Writer Report: Don't Forget To Be Awesome

Rather than bore you with my usual drivel on how Cold Streets is moving forward at a pretty good pace for a glacier and making all sorts of excuses, here’s John Green discussing the whys and wherefores of people reading in the first place. CrashCourse is a phenomenal series and if you’re not watching it… Continue reading Writer Report: Don't Forget To Be Awesome

Writer Report: The Inevitable Grind

As we recover from the recent stress of moving, the dayjob workload ramps up, and everything else competes for what attention I have left, it can be difficult to keep in mind that writing can and should be the foremost area of my interests. I don’t attend university for 4 years to design advertisements, after… Continue reading Writer Report: The Inevitable Grind

Death and Consequences

One of these soldiers is likely to die. There’s just something about a game, or story, that doesn’t pull its punches. I get a feeling for that something when I play FTL or the new XCOM. A ship exploding under my intrepid crew or a favorite soldier getting their face melted off by plasma fire… Continue reading Death and Consequences