Writers Need Editors

Kerrigan demands better motivations. She’s a strong, independent woman who don’t need no man. I don’t know how many writers would be willing to admit this. Good ones, I’d imagine. But here’s a shocking fact that may take you by surprise: no writer is an island. Even great writers who sell millions of copies don’t… Continue reading Writers Need Editors

Writer Report: By Hand

This week has been relatively rough. Some projects at the dayjob simply refuse to die. I’ve had some difficulty sticking to my exercise routine. It’s possible I’m still knackered by the changing of the seasons, especially now that colder weather and even less sunshine is the order of the day. So I’m not as far… Continue reading Writer Report: By Hand

Brick & Mortar Questions

I’ve heard it said several times that brick and mortar bookstores are going the way of the dodo. And for a similar reason, as well: we’re killing them. Now, I don’t think that every single Barnes & Noble is going to lock its doors and shutter its windows tomorrow. I think brick and mortar stores… Continue reading Brick & Mortar Questions

Categorized as Writing

Writer Report: Looming Quarter

Much like some malevolent giant peering over the wall of a nearly defenseless settlement, the dreaded Q4 is upon me at the dayjob. Expectations are high. Work is sure to come fast and furious (and without the benefits of Michelle Rodriguez or Jordana Brewster). I’m going to have to take extra steps to stay on… Continue reading Writer Report: Looming Quarter

Writer Report: Hard Part's Over

Courtesy Floating Robes Cold Streets is done. Well, the first draft is done, anyway. The sequel to Cold Iron (which, as a friendly reminder, you can buy here or here) was born out of a desire to lay a foundation for future, full-length projects. Once I take up the editing hat and really get down… Continue reading Writer Report: Hard Part's Over

One Day More

Writing, like any skill, needs to be practiced in order to maintain a certain level of competence. The nibs of pens and points of pencils must be sharpened. For me, writing flash fiction every week is how I got about doing that. Having to come up with a thousand words with a simple prompt keeps… Continue reading One Day More