From the Vault: The Disorder of Art

Once again behind the 8-ball and in need of finding my groove, let me take you back a year to a post that you may find helpful. Courtesy Floating Robes “Apropos of nothing,” asks one person, “what’s the name of the mental disorder/condition where a person thinks his or her art/work is never good enough?”… Continue reading From the Vault: The Disorder of Art

My Least Favorite Post

A bit about my schedule: most of the time I do my best to write these things well in advance, and set them up to publish in the morning, because that’s the best way to get some decent traffic during the day. There are times when that isn’t possible. Yesterday was particularly bad to the… Continue reading My Least Favorite Post

From the Vault: Turning Negatives into Positives

How’s NaNoWriMo going? Are you frustrated? Angry? Maybe feeling some despair? Read on. This might help. Nobody feels fantastic all the time, at least not without heavy drinking or severe medication. Creative people are, by and large, emotional and thus emotional blindsides getting hit can knock you right off of the rails you’d been riding… Continue reading From the Vault: Turning Negatives into Positives

The Creeps

Slasher movies and torture porn will always have their place at Halloween and in the hearts and minds of horror fans. For me, effective and lasting horror does not necessarily have anything to do with buckets of blood or how stomach-turning the visuals are. Sometimes, the most penetrating stories of terror have less to do… Continue reading The Creeps

What Characters Say

“Supernatural” has some great exchanges. There are many people who come to mind that prefer dialog in prose to description. Even peers of mine find it much easier to write dialog than long narrative passages. The difficulty in writing dialog well is twofold: Making conversations clear, and making them feel natural. Both of these challenges,… Continue reading What Characters Say