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500 Words on Corners

"Doors and corners, kid. That's how they get ya."

“It seems you’ve really turned a corner!” It’s a supportive idiom that people use when they bear witness to someone they care about getting into an improved situation in their life. And it can be very heartening to hear, especially if you’ve been going through a long hospital stay, an extended period of unemployment, or… Continue reading 500 Words on Corners

Return Of The Code

For years, I made a decent living in a dayjob writing code for an ad agency back east. Well, I say “writing code”, but that was only part of my job. I also had to do some fine-tuning of visual design elements and animations, which unfortunately is not one of my strengths. It’s a skill… Continue reading Return Of The Code

A Shameless Sale Post

So before I put all of this stuff up on Craigslist, since I need the help with affording a move and things like food and child support, behold! My old White Wolf book collection, going on sale right now! Prices in USD. VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE SOLD! KINDRED OF THE EAST SOLD! WEREWOLF:THE APOCALYPSE Werewolf: the… Continue reading A Shameless Sale Post

Into The Stream

I don’t do a lot of stream-of-consciousness things on this blog. Most of the time, if I have to vent about a mental or emotional boondoggle, I use Tumblr or Pastebin. But today finds me posting later than I’d like, with no subjects I’m comfortable or confident in providing to you, so here’s me doing… Continue reading Into The Stream

Many Lines on One Line

This is not a post about managing lines at PAX East. It’s actually a reference to this week’s Flash Fiction challenge over on Terribleminds. Chuck has once again admonished us to write a killer opening line, which is a fantastic exercise, but not really something I can build an entire post around. Normally I would… Continue reading Many Lines on One Line

500 Words on Conventions & Community

500 Words on Conventions & Community Conventions and exhibitions almost feel like another world. Within the walls of the buildings and skyways, tens of thousands of like minds gather. It is wonderful and terrifying and energizing and exhausting, all at the same time. A lot of communities come together, especially if individuals within said communities… Continue reading 500 Words on Conventions & Community

Let's Get Together

I’m finding more and more that the games that I truly enjoy playing with other people aren’t necessarily straight-up competitions. Oh, I still enjoy a good game of Magic, don’t get me wrong. And Blizzard’s collectible game Hearthstone scratches that particular itch while having a purchase system that makes you want to buy packs to… Continue reading Let's Get Together

Writer Report: Looming Quarter

Much like some malevolent giant peering over the wall of a nearly defenseless settlement, the dreaded Q4 is upon me at the dayjob. Expectations are high. Work is sure to come fast and furious (and without the benefits of Michelle Rodriguez or Jordana Brewster). I’m going to have to take extra steps to stay on… Continue reading Writer Report: Looming Quarter

Flash Fiction: Gods and Robbers

Chuck’s weekly demand this time is to include four random items. Can you spot them all? They dragged him into the office by his arms. His legs felt weak; there was no way they could support his weight with them yanking him along. He was tossed onto the carpet like a sack of garbage. He… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Gods and Robbers