[audio:] I made a promise, some time ago, that I would avoid discussing religion overmuch, if at all, on this blog. Yet when Black Death won the poll it was clear that I’d have to sprain that promise. Since it’s in the context of a movie, I won’t consider it entirely broken. There’s also the… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Black Death

Movie Review: Captain America: The First Avenger

I miss pulp adventure stories. I miss uncontrived, straight-forward yarns with two-fisted, dashing heroes working against megalomaniacs to rescue leggy dames. Yes, these stories were simple and could be campy or hammy or just plain boring at times, but their simplicity was a strength, their tales unfettered by an artifice of philosophy or an undercurrent… Continue reading Movie Review: Captain America: The First Avenger


[audio:] We all need reminders from time to time. Soldiers visit war memorials to remember why we fight. You can turn on the television or look up a few political websites to remember why you vote the way you do. And when you’re involved with entertainment, especially if you review movies for one reason or… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Bugs

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Lucky Number Slevin

[audio:] The law of averages isn’t something you can avoid as you produce or study a given set of data. This applies just as much to entertainment as it does to less interesting data. Be it a fiction franchise, the songs in a band’s repertoire or a series of movies reviewed by a guy with… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Lucky Number Slevin


[audio:] I’m afraid we must again lament the fact that the movie of the week is not available on Netflix Instant. However, the lamentations are for different reasons. Last week I covered a classic action comedy steeped in supernatural tea which would make for a quick laugh and a good time when necessary. Taken, on… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Taken

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Big Trouble in Little China

[audio:] It may appear at first glance that Big Trouble in Little China is one of those clever, funny deconstructions that film students are always raving about. There are even some moments where someone over-analytical may mistake it for a parody. But John Carpenter’s tongue-in-cheek but straightforward action-adventure is not interested in tearing down the… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Big Trouble in Little China


[audio:] We mix things up all the time. Mix some leftover pasta, meat, sauce and veggies together and you get goulash. Throw some tequila and frozen fruit in a blender, and you get margaritas! It’s similar with fiction. Genres mix all the time. Action is mixed with comedy and comedy with romance. You might even… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Killers