The Lessons Within "The Last Jedi"

Be advised: there will be spoilers in this treatise. I can’t discuss what I want to discuss without getting into detail about the plot and the arcs of the film’s characters. Fairly be ye warned. Before I saw Star Wars: The Last Jedi, I heard about all of the negative takes on it, all of… Continue reading The Lessons Within "The Last Jedi"

Adventure Review: Quelling the Horde

“Quelling the Horde” (DDEX03-09) is an Adventurer’s League module set during the Rage of Demons story arc. The story it tells is a classic one: farms and homesteads are getting sacked by goblins, and adventurers are needed to rise to the challenge. This time, some of the goblins seem to fancy themselves as ‘knights’. Calling… Continue reading Adventure Review: Quelling the Horde

Book Review: Ready Player One

I state the following without hyperbole: the first few chapters of Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One is some of the most difficult reading I’ve done in a very long time. Not because of the nature of the events, or even the quality of the writing, in and of itself. It was difficult because it was… Continue reading Book Review: Ready Player One

Doctor Strange Is My Hero

I’m going to take a break from pontificating on our current crisis and the implications of the resurrection of ultra-nationalism to talk about a comic book wizard. Because it’s a form of self-care and it’s something that tickles the cockles of my imagination. I used to do reviews on a fairly regular basis, and while… Continue reading Doctor Strange Is My Hero

The Aftermath Review: Let Go Of Your Hatred

There are a lot of people out there who don’t, and won’t, like this book. I’m pretty sure I know why, and it has nothing to do with the plot or characters of Aftermath: Star Wars. It has to do with the book’s very existence. You see, Aftermath, written by Chuck Wendig, takes place between… Continue reading The Aftermath Review: Let Go Of Your Hatred

Me And My Spider

As of yesterday, I finally have a complete set of Transmetropolitan. When the final volumes arrived, and I got home to pick them up, I immediately stretched out on the couch to finish reading the series. Then, last night, I started reading it again. I’m planning on reading through every trade paperback in sequence once… Continue reading Me And My Spider