500 Words on Politics

This may be one of the most politically charged times in our history. Resurgent Nazis, nuclear threats, incompetent and greedy rulers, obstructionist legislation: all of that and more comes around on a daily basis. It’s understandable to want to get away from it. We can’t. I don’t mean the larger politics in play. I mean… Continue reading 500 Words on Politics

500 Words on John McCain

This has been quite a week in the United States as far as politics is concerned. Let’s leave aside the three-ring circus shit-show that is the Executive Branch, from its stereotypical 80’s Wall Street douchebag communications director to the systematic self-destruction of the egotistical compromised blowhard supposedly running things. I want to talk about the… Continue reading 500 Words on John McCain


Assassination is a selfish, cowardly act. Case in point: last night, a rhino was assassinated. The term is usually applied to an individual of prominence, for fame or a political end, but I feel that doesn’t encompass the full depravity of the act. Assassination is murder for profit. Plain and simple. And Vince’s assassination is… Continue reading Assassination

Seriously, DFTBA

I am not composed of cells and tissue. I am composed entirely of awesome. So are you, provided you haven’t forgotten that fact. It’s an easy thing to forget, really. We live in a sad, fettered world that’s all about the gains and advantages, the one-upmanship and quick victories, the lionization of the false self-image… Continue reading Seriously, DFTBA

The Patriarchy's Poison

Given the current state of affairs at home and abroad, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to how we got here. When you get right down to it, the root of the problem is what needs to be addressed. As bad as things can seem with the in-your-face nature of the situation in the… Continue reading The Patriarchy's Poison

My Country In Wartime

I have felt this atmosphere in my country before. In the wake of the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, there was a palpable aura around the people who walked to and fro, doing their best to go about their daily lives. We fought back against a paralysis so gripping, it threatened to… Continue reading My Country In Wartime


This was a terrorist attack. Looking at the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election in the United States, that is the only conclusion that makes sense to me. Granted, I’m no authority on such matters, but the evidence points to a large number of voters who did not respond to polls, organized and mobilized in… Continue reading Untitled

Lest We Forget

I know this is a rehash of a previous post. I’m not altering a word in or after the block quote. I believe that these ideas are worth repeating, because we’re talking about people who voluntarily walk into warzones and don’t necessarily walk back out; if they do, chances are, they will never be the… Continue reading Lest We Forget