From The Vault: Drill, Baby, Drill

Watching Gurren-Hen last night, I come back to the reasons why I fell in love with Gurren Lagann in the first place. I want to revisit that. Courtesy Rabbitpoets, will credit original artist! When I encounter a new story that I find myself enjoying thoroughly, there’s a part of me that can’t just leave it… Continue reading From The Vault: Drill, Baby, Drill

An Open Letter to Online Gaming Fans

Dear Mr. or Ms. Online Gamer: I’m writing to express my disappointment in your behavior towards games journalists and reviewers. How you behave within your games is your business; if I object to how people are treated within a game, chances are I won’t play that game, unless I find it really compelling on its… Continue reading An Open Letter to Online Gaming Fans

I Like Big Bots (And I Cannot Lie)

The more I think about Pacific Rim, the more I like it. Yes, the characters can be somewhat stock, and the plot is fairly straightforward, but the scope and spectacle of the film are awe-inspiring. I think if you had told me even five years ago that big robots would be on the big screen… Continue reading I Like Big Bots (And I Cannot Lie)

The Myth of Misandry

Males of the Internet, I submit to you the following: If you think you’re the target of misandry, you’ve probably done something to deserve it. Before I elaborate, let’s cover some trigger warnings. I’m going to talk about misandry, obviously, but I’m also going to talk about misogyny, degradation and devaluation of women, acerbic Internet… Continue reading The Myth of Misandry

Memento Mori

For two years running I’ve made the same post on Memorial Day, which starts something like this: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana We have the country we have today because people got pissed off enough to fight for it. America’s military is based entirely on volunteer… Continue reading Memento Mori

Is Gatsby Great?

I will not be writing up a full review of Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby for several reasons. One of them is that this far past the release, most critics have already gotten their works out there and I really have nothing new or interesting to say in that overall regard. I will say that… Continue reading Is Gatsby Great?