
While making my way through Elwynn Forest towards Goldshire, it occurred to me that I needed to do something that I hadn’t done since I last rolled an Alliance character. I took a slight detour from the path, strolled the lands north of Westbook Garrison, and there he was. One quickly loosed arrow later, he… Continue reading Over-Achievement

Fly Me To BlizzCon

BlizzCon is the annual convention of all things Blizzard, held in Anaheim, California. Panels will be held for all of Blizzard’s upcoming products, from class balance in World of Warcraft to the latest buzz about Diablo 3. Given it’s location and the rarity of tickets, I always figured it’d be highly unlikely that I’d ever… Continue reading Fly Me To BlizzCon

Why I'm playing WoW again.

I’ve flounced around on a few different MMOGs in my past. I cut my teeth and damaged my first marriage with EverQuest. I started playing World of Warcraft after that, and have dabbled in varying degrees with EverQuest 2, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, Eve Online and City of Heroes/Villains. I beta’d Planetside and Tabula… Continue reading Why I'm playing WoW again.