Flash Fiction: Sorceress of Flame, Part 2

This week’s Flash Fiction challenge over at Terribleminds is to write the second part of a four-part story started by someone else. I picked “Sorceress of Flame” by Toni J, whose site you should definitely check out. — Part 1, by Toni J — The magic in dragonflame lingered long after any heat had died… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Sorceress of Flame, Part 2

Flash Fiction: Bart Luther, Freelance Exorcist

I’m getting back into the saddle with the Terribleminds Flash Fiction challenge, and doing so has me writing the first 1000 words of a story someone else will finish. Hopefully, someone will find this interesting. I can’t imagine to understand everything that occurs in my life. I can’t account for everything I’ve seen. At least… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Bart Luther, Freelance Exorcist

Flash Fiction: Strong Yet Subtle

For this week’s Flash Fiction Challenge over at Terribleminds, Picking Uncommon Apples, the random number gods bestowed upon me 28, 18, and 31. Here’s what came out of those choices! Ravenna slipped through the opened grate with the sort of smooth ease that only comes from years of practice. She heard the soft splashing behind… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Strong Yet Subtle

Flash Fiction: You Had To Have It

For this week’s Terribleminds Flash Fiction Challenge, I chose the sentence written by Vicente L Ruiz. Enjoy! I have witnessed the end of humanity. I don’t know how any rational human being could have a different thought at the sight of people lined up outside of the ostentatious glass-walled store. For release after release, I… Continue reading Flash Fiction: You Had To Have It