Captain Pendragon and the Perilous Amazon

The first in what I hope will be enjoyable post-apocalyptic steampunk adventures. Levels of swashbuckling will vary. ~~~ The Belenus began to descend from her cruising altitude towards the Amazonian river below them. The airship had been dispatched by the Vulcares Ministry of Defense and Oversight to secure what was reported to be a source… Continue reading Captain Pendragon and the Perilous Amazon


Set in feudal Japan, this story is not for the faint of heart. Until her release from the Hell of the Vast Cold countless days after the night of her murder, Lady Takahashi Makoto did not fully grasp the concept of cosmic balance and the role of akuma, or demons, within it. On that night… Continue reading Akuma

The Jovian Flight

Is the advent of scientific progress worth the cost?  The first in a series based loosely on Greek myths, this story examines the priorities of those interested in pushing the boundaries of science. ~ ~ ~ Professor Daedalus was in an extremely agitated state. It was the first time his proposed method of traveling faster… Continue reading The Jovian Flight