Reignition, Part 3

Art courtesy Steve Argyle [spoiler effect=”blind” show=”Disclaimer” hide=”Close”] The following is a non-profit work of fan-fiction. Magic: the Gathering and its attendant characters, locations, terminology, and events are owned by Wizards of the Coast, Richard Garfield, Mark Rosewater, et al. All rights reserved. Please support the official release. [/spoiler] Previously… The darksteel tendrils rattled and… Continue reading Reignition, Part 3

Reignition, Part 2

Art courtesy Xoaba [spoiler effect=”blind” show=”Disclaimer” hide=”Close”] The following is a non-profit work of fan-fiction. Magic: the Gathering and its attendant characters, locations, terminology, and events are owned by Wizards of the Coast, Richard Garfield, Mark Rosewater, et al. All rights reserved. Please support the official release. [/spoiler] Previously… Dominarian taverns always felt like home,… Continue reading Reignition, Part 2

Reignition, Part 1

[spoiler effect=”blind” show=”Disclaimer” hide=”Close”] The following is a non-profit work of fan-fiction. Magic: the Gathering and its attendant characters, locations, terminology, and events are owned by Wizards of the Coast, Richard Garfield, Mark Rosewater, et al. All rights reserved. Please support the official release. [/spoiler] Hundreds of years invested in study and spellcraft, and yet,… Continue reading Reignition, Part 1

Returning to Flash Fiction

To say that things have been in upheaval lately would be an understatement. Things like “returning to a regular blogging schedule” and “maintaining a solid fanbase” have been something of a lower priority as I’ve sorted out housing, managed my barista schedule, and generally gotten more settled into this next phase of my life. How… Continue reading Returning to Flash Fiction

Impala Nights: Part 1

I’m not the kind of guy who likes surprises very much. I never had much in the way of birthday parties to begin with, but surprise parties in particular always rubbed me the wrong way. I mean, you want to celebrate my life by trying to scare me to death? No, thank you. It’s really… Continue reading Impala Nights: Part 1