Flash Fiction: Last Flight of the Wayward Albatross

Art courtesy zombie2012 For The Wheel, Part Two, the die selected Steampunk, Someone’s Been Poisoned!, and A Secret Message. The skyline of Paramount City was normally a welcome sight. It meant coming home. Today, as Captain Taggert held the wheel of his beloved airship, he saw the skyline in a very different way. The airfighters… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Last Flight of the Wayward Albatross

Flash Fiction: The War On Christmas

Art by ~boudicca Chuck wanted a war on Christmas. Be careful what you wish for. They come, on both sides, from tales of old. From the frozen wastes yet untouched by man, from crevasses and shadows and hidden places too fearsome for even the most brave and the most crazed, from realms and holes and… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The War On Christmas

Flash Fiction: Cordite, Acid, and Febreeze

For the Terribleminds Flash Fiction challenge, The Body. He was assaulted by scents when the door opened. The undercurrent of cheap booze and sweat was nearly overwhelmed by the acrid tang of cordite. He set his kit down inside the door and began to remove his coat. “Oh man, thank God you’re here, I don’t… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Cordite, Acid, and Febreeze

Flash Fiction: Stella's Corner Hitching Post

This one was tough. For the Terribleminds Game of Aspects (Halloweenie Edition) the d10 of Destiny dictated: Southern Gothic Evil Awakens! Strip Club Stage Magic Hoo boy. Happy Halloween! It was another hot, muggy night, but the wind was low, meaning the mugginess was not supplemented by the heavy, muddy water of the bayou. Still,… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Stella's Corner Hitching Post