Whups, Missed A Day

Okay. I said last week that this week the normal blogging schedule would resume. But for various reason that do not bear divulging on this particular outlet (which is why I maintain others), things have gotten in my way. I’ve been struggling to find more time and energy for more writing, and the emphasis here… Continue reading Whups, Missed A Day

Code Author By Day

For a while I’ve described myself as a “code author by day, genre author by night.” In truth, there hasn’t been a lot of legitimate code writing in previous positions. Most of my work has been maintenance: change this color, update this copy, move this graphic three pixels to the left, animate this 20% more… Continue reading Code Author By Day

"We're All Fine Here, Now, Thank You. How're You?"

So Balthazar, my desktop PC, is currently bricked, awaiting a new power supply. My laptop, or more appropriately, “Craptop”, has officially crapped out once and for all. I’m hammering this post out on my iPad, using a tiny bluetooth keyboard, which is not ideal for extended periods of typing. I’m still writing out notes and… Continue reading "We're All Fine Here, Now, Thank You. How're You?"

Fit To Write

Writers don’t get days off. I mean, staff writers and salaried folks tend to work certain hours. If you’re writing freelance or working towards a goal in fiction, you can and should be cramming words into every spare moment available. Even when a writer is sick, or dealing with external issues, time must always be… Continue reading Fit To Write

Change is Coming

Change is never easy. But it is necessary. Growth and change are what make us alive. They are dynamic elements to existence; without them, we stagnate and remain static, which to me is worse than death. I’ve been meaning to make some changes to this webspace for a while, now, and I think the time… Continue reading Change is Coming