500 Words On People

A good soundtrack for this column: [tube]-u05Yc5zurI[/tube] It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed anything. Or stuck to a one-post-per-weekday schedule. I give myself mental and emotional hell for that, on occasion, but you know what? It isn’t the end of the world. It’s okay. I’m okay. My name is Josh Loomis, and I’m a… Continue reading 500 Words On People

Gone Dark

The last few days have not been kind to me. Oh, the weekend was a blast. Any chance I get to see the wonderful friends I’m now close enough to see more than once a year is a good one. I managed to go to a soccer match for the first time in a long… Continue reading Gone Dark

500 Words on Triggers

You’ll see warnings about them on blog posts, Tumblr, and other portions of the Internet. In case you didn’t know, the warnings aren’t there just to be trendy. Triggers are rooted in trauma. Be it trauma that affected a single evening or changed the course of an entire life, such things are very real, especially… Continue reading 500 Words on Triggers

From the Vault: Lies We Tell Ourselves

Since writing this post three years ago or so, I’ve discovered that the ‘little voice’ I refer to below comes from what I’ve come to call the ‘badbrain’. I will go into more detail later, perhaps in another place, but suffice it to say that, no matter what its motivation, the badbrain is a decidedly… Continue reading From the Vault: Lies We Tell Ourselves

When Will Words Come?

Courtesy Floating Robes Writers have to write. Just the way that runners have to run, or smokers have to smoke, or brokers have to… broke? Break? Something involving breaking. Anyway, writers are compulsory creatures and writing is a compulsion. It’s felt under the skin. It’s an itch in the fingers, a burning behind the eyes.… Continue reading When Will Words Come?


There are a lot of things I want to say. Work regarding my words is, I feel, egregiously being left undone. Forward progress I want to be making in my actual, passionate career simply is not happening. I am physically capable, and mentally as well, but circumstances are such that I simply cannot say or… Continue reading Interference


Folks, it is very, very important to save your work. After a harrowing and edgy day of front-end coding work, I came home and wrote. I did some other things, first: watched the rest of a movie I’d started the other night, checked in with friends, got some food. But I finally returned to what… Continue reading Control+S

Energy Ebb

Change, even when it is welcomed, can be difficult. I’m not just talking about daylight savings time, and losing an hour of potential sleep to an antiquated means of preserving candle wax or lamp oil. I’m referring to the fact that on top of the new dayjob, and all of its responsibilities and pressures, I… Continue reading Energy Ebb