Going To My Corner

When I get really serious about writing, when it’s “crunch time” for an assignment or I feel I really need to bang out some words on The Project, I head over to my corner. Like a carpenter’s workbench or a mechanic’s tool chest, my corner is a place I’ve set aside to work on writing… Continue reading Going To My Corner

Movies in 15 Minutes

Okay, ignore Vader in this one. I want to talk about Cleolinda‘s Movies in 15 Minutes. Here goes. *ahem* GO READ IT. Seriously. Why are you still here? I have nothing to say today. I have a complete and total lack of energy and the day’s not at all gone well. So go read something… Continue reading Movies in 15 Minutes

The Way To Her Heart

My wife likes chocolates, shoes and shiny jewelry as much as the next woman. But the truest way to her heart involves things far nerdier than such pedestrian items. See, I married a gamer. She carries dice in her purse, she knows the ins and outs of many character classes in a variety of games… Continue reading The Way To Her Heart

Plowing Forward

Get plot points vetted. Generate dramatis personae document. Work out rules of languages & magic. Write the damn thing (target word count:125k) Find a publisher. From all outward appearances, not much is happening around here. Apparently the region has been ‘paralyzed’ by the recent snowstorm. It’s gone by many names – “Snowmageddon”, “Snopocalypse”, “Snotorious B.I.G.”,… Continue reading Plowing Forward