Farewell to the Tube

I have almost an entire season of 24 sitting on my DVR at home. I’m going to need to watch it all in the next few weeks, since my wife and I will be moving sometime around May. When we move, it’s likely we’ll be leaving the television behind. Well, we’ll be taking the television… Continue reading Farewell to the Tube

Today is a…

Nothing interesting going on, really. So move along to something less full of suck.

Alchemist mac Sláine

My grandmother’s maiden name was Marilyn Slane. Like Saint Patrick, the family name was anglicized (it’s actually Saint Padraic if I am not mistaken) from the original Sláine. Now from what I understand, her family originated from Scotland and moved to Ireland before her parents emigrated to the United States. According to legend, however, Sláine… Continue reading Alchemist mac Sláine

Caution: Bears

“Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes, well, he eats you.” It’s true in many walks of life that we spend a lot of time chasing or being chased. We chase our dreams, we get chased by doubt. We chase new shiny objects, we get chased by creditors. We chase deer, we get chased by… Continue reading Caution: Bears


(This is another one of those personal posts you can probably ignore.) It isn’t all fun and games out here, kids. I’m looking for a new place to live, I need to take our littlest kitten to a vet because she’s way overdue to see one, Vera needs some additional servicing since I didn’t get… Continue reading Ouch.

Works Life in Progress

I’m taking a cue from Ye Olde Magick Speaking Beardface and just putting down some words about life in general at this point. I only have one real creative work in progress at the moment, which is more than enough considering everything that’s going on. “Who’re you calling a program, program?”* Right, first things first.… Continue reading Works Life in Progress