Twenty Twelve

So here we are, folks. The calendars have been swapped, the Dramamine passed around, the coffee brewed and we stand now looking at where the sidewalk ends. It’s not like I think there’s any major cataclysm coming at the end of 2012. It’s far more likely that the Mayans simply felt that a couple thousand… Continue reading Twenty Twelve

Boxing Day

Saint Nick is taking the day off, and so am I. Happy Boxing Day, everyone! Enjoy a little extra time with family and friends if you can.

Holiday Wishes

Saw this floating around Facebook, thought it was worth sharing with everybody. Merry Christmas! Have a happy and safe holiday weekend.

Two Cents on SOPA

A lot has already been said about the Stop Online Protection Act, shortened to SOPA because acronyms are easier to remember when you have the attention span of a weevil. Jim Sterling, acerbic and opinionated as he is, pointed out some very real fears about the legislation. Bob Chipman chimed in as well, and as… Continue reading Two Cents on SOPA

Birthday Wishes

When this date rolled around during my childhood, I found myself wishing for new toys. More Transformers, a new video game, etc. As a teenager, the primary wish was for acceptance from my peers. Toys were a nice bonus, but what I really wanted was to fit in. It would be a long time before… Continue reading Birthday Wishes

Giving Thanks

This is just a quick list of things for which I’m giving thanks this year. I’m employed by a good company with great coworkers, decent pay and actual benefits. I have a place of my own to live in even if it gets a bit cramped sometimes. My wife continues to put up with me,… Continue reading Giving Thanks

A Big Bite of Apple

Courtesy MS Paint Adventures I’ve been fighting this. I haven’t had an Apple product of my own in any place I’ve lived with the exception of a 2nd generation iPod Shuffle I still use for walks. I’ve opted to install Linux on all but my latest laptop. I’ve had moments where I’ve considered purchasing an… Continue reading A Big Bite of Apple