Interruptions & Invasions

Courtesy American Superman of DeviantArt Okay, I’m very behind on things this week. The dayjob has been a little bit intense, and a free copy of Mass Effect 3 showed up at my door thanks to the generosity of an Escapist user running a contest. I’m flattered & honored that my review of Deus Ex:… Continue reading Interruptions & Invasions

Up And Coming

Thought I’d change it up from the usual anonymous pen. I’ve mentioned that I, like many writers, have difficulty focusing at times. I know that, in spite of the time occupied by the dayjob, writing must happen. I’ve been ramping up because of several projects I want to complete in the very near future and… Continue reading Up And Coming

Let Go Of Your Hate

Star Wars, as a franchise, is just a bit older than I am. I’ve gone through phases where I’ve loved it dearly and loathed its existence. I’ve appreciated the ability George Lucas had to conceptualize a universe that felt lived in and diverse, and palmed my face at the utterly stupid things he made come… Continue reading Let Go Of Your Hate

Master of None

Remember when the Bard class was included with the basic ruleset for Dungeons & Dragons? Those were the days. When you wanted to be pretty good at just about everything without over-specializing in beating up bad guys or attacking the darkness with magic missile, you chose the Bard. The downside to that choice is why… Continue reading Master of None

Fedora Felon

You are not, nor will you ever be, Don Draper. Stop it. Guys, listen. It’s time we talked. Before there’s any misunderstandings, I must confess: I love my fedora. I’m on my second one since discovering I can look half-decent in one. My first traveled to all sorts of places on my head, across oceans… Continue reading Fedora Felon