Weekend Update Redux

Another weekend has passed, and again it was characterized by working too much and a general lack of sleep. I did attend a few Magic events, and will post an after-action report, probably tomorrow. I definitely feel the need to put some time aside in order to rest and re-focus. Not only have I been… Continue reading Weekend Update Redux

This Week

Things have been pretty rough at the dayjob this week. And it’s not even Q4 yet. The good news is I work with fantastic people on an adept, agile team, and everybody’s dedicated to getting the job done right. I’ve learned to take Scotty’s advice, and pad my projections so that, if I do actually… Continue reading This Week

Weekend Update

This weekend was a rough one. I know it’s my own fault for volunteering to work, and on unfamiliar technologies for a larger, high-profile client no less. I managed to complete the task, but I know more changes are coming today so I suspect pressure will still be on for me to perform. On top… Continue reading Weekend Update

The Little Victories

I have some advice. Celebrate the little victories. A good review of your work. A ray of sunshine. A victory in a game you did not expect. Getting the last bit of Nutella out of the jar with your finger. A purring cat. Seeing an adorable woodland creature not get hit by a car. Something… Continue reading The Little Victories

Uphill Battles

My time management has been pretty borked this week. Things at the dayjob refuse to stay dead, I’m trying to get a moving date set up, and other minor things are messing with my schedule. I’ve been doing what I can to manage my distractions, but this week has seen me failing more than succeeding.… Continue reading Uphill Battles

Writer Report: Moving Forward

Cold Streets is a slow burner. By that, I mean it’s taking me a while to really get set on fire over it. I’m working on it, and I like what’s happening so far, I just haven’t carved out a great deal of time lately to put more words in sequence. I have a move… Continue reading Writer Report: Moving Forward

Sympathy, Courtesy, and Taste

There’s a part of me that longs for convention floors. I just love being a part of an inclusive, open-minded crowd gathered in one place for the common enjoyment of a hobby or interest. I’ve been writer’s conferences, anime conventions, and gaming expos, and they all give me this positive, uplifting charge that can last… Continue reading Sympathy, Courtesy, and Taste

Remembering Michael

Another great voice of our time has gone silent. In this case, I mean the voice part literally. I could confidently look forward to any movie featuring Michael Clarke Duncan in the cast. Not only could he deliver Oscar-caliber performances, he could be counted on to be one of two things, if not both, in… Continue reading Remembering Michael

Quick Like A Bunny

Today’s post will have to be short and, unfortunately, not very substantial. I have not one, but two projects due today at the dayjob. One has a few hiccups that need to be dealt with before it’s ready for primetime, and the other has but one tickbox remaining on its to-do list but is proving… Continue reading Quick Like A Bunny