Thirty Four

These are still relatively new surroundings. The space is larger, configured differently, closer to the dayjob, and packed with amenities which in my mind justify the higher rent. And yet I find myself wondering if I’m actually in the same place I was last year. I’m more stable mentally, but still given to the occasional… Continue reading Thirty Four


As we head inevitably towards the end of the year and, consequently, the end of Q4, things at the dayjob become more and more intense. Or maybe that’s just me. The last few days I’ve had my nose to the grindstone with a particular project. Other potential work has been moved away from me so… Continue reading Daunted

Writer Report: Q4

We have entered the busiest time of the year at the dayjob. I’m putting in a lot of extra hours, late nights, weekends, you name it. This means I’m lacking the time and energy to fully focus on my writing. This bothers me, but I’m not sure how I can change this. Maybe I need… Continue reading Writer Report: Q4

Giving Thanks in 2012

So, let’s see. How far have we come in the last year? I’m thankful that… I still have my job, my wife and I have moved into a larger place, she is attending classes happily and successfully, I’ve gotten the first (I hope of many) story of mine published, even if it was by myself… Continue reading Giving Thanks in 2012

JayCon Winter 2012 After-Action Report

Artemis! Every six months or so, my co-worker and compatriot Jay runs a gaming mini-convention out of his home he humbly dubbed “JayCon”. The latest edition of the get-together just wrapped up yesterday, and good times were had by all. It’s a great opportunity to introduce (and be introduced to) new games, as well as… Continue reading JayCon Winter 2012 After-Action Report

Writer Report: The Inevitable Grind

As we recover from the recent stress of moving, the dayjob workload ramps up, and everything else competes for what attention I have left, it can be difficult to keep in mind that writing can and should be the foremost area of my interests. I don’t attend university for 4 years to design advertisements, after… Continue reading Writer Report: The Inevitable Grind

Settling In

The weekend was a lot more complicated than even I thought it would be. Despite the promise of free beer and pizza, only one of my friends arrived on Saturday morning to help us move all of our possessions from the old place into the truck. Ancient bibliophile that I am, I have an inordinate… Continue reading Settling In