Writer Report: Bring On The Bad Guy

I’m a sucker for a good villain. By ‘good’ I don’t just mean extravagant malevolence. Ming the Merciless is a fun character, but he doesn’t have a lot of depth to him. Remember, villains are people too. They have backgrounds, motivations, allegiances, and secrets just like anybody else does. Leave that out of your story… Continue reading Writer Report: Bring On The Bad Guy

Do It Different

Breaking into any extant field can be a daunting prospect. The argument that there’s nothing new under the sun can be made when discussing fiction, film, commentary, web series, criticism, journalism, comic books, you name it. You might look at the shelves at a bookstore, the offerings on Steam, the content on YouTube, or the… Continue reading Do It Different

Flash Fiction: The Outermost Gate

Participating in the Terribleminds Second Game of Aspects. One hundred and fifty years of spaceflight innovation, and it’s still a pain in the ass to get a decent meal. Commander Ellington grumbled softly as he pulled himself towards the galley. He remembered times back home when just a whiff of his mother’s home cooking would… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Outermost Gate