Flash Fiction: The Black Dreams Pageant

Spliced together the title from these options to bring you the following: The Ringmaster grinned and bowed to the applauding audience. The Cherubs of the Trapeze were helped from the tent as the next act, Darius the Dragon-Tamer, made his way into the center ring. Balthazar watched from the side of the right-most ring, the… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Black Dreams Pageant

Flash Fiction: The Blistercoil Harness

Izzet Charm, Art by Zoltan Boros For the Terribleminds Epic Games of Aspects Redux, the d20 of Destiny instructed me to write Fanfiction about a Heist Gone Wrong featuring a Sea Monster. The small, customized keyrune did its job, unlocking the door to the facility. It was an excellent forgery, one of Grigori’s finest. Natalya… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Blistercoil Harness

Weekend Update Redux

Another weekend has passed, and again it was characterized by working too much and a general lack of sleep. I did attend a few Magic events, and will post an after-action report, probably tomorrow. I definitely feel the need to put some time aside in order to rest and re-focus. Not only have I been… Continue reading Weekend Update Redux

This Week

Things have been pretty rough at the dayjob this week. And it’s not even Q4 yet. The good news is I work with fantastic people on an adept, agile team, and everybody’s dedicated to getting the job done right. I’ve learned to take Scotty’s advice, and pad my projections so that, if I do actually… Continue reading This Week