Strategic Writing

Writing is an odd profession. Writing fiction, even moreso. Most other professions have to start at one place and end at another. Linear progression of a product, from conception to design to implementation and delivery, is the baseline for most items consumed by the public. And while you certainly never pitch an unfinished or unpolished… Continue reading Strategic Writing

Flash Fiction: The Farmer's Child

In response to being asked to generate a random sentence. This child farms. She knows that it is work mostly done by boys. It is hard, long, muscle-snapping, back-breaking work, from sun-up until sun-down. Tools large and small are used to till the fields, harvest the grain, milk some animals, slaughter others. This child does… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Farmer's Child

Flash Fiction: The Knotted Tree

Having missed the posting of the Super Ultra Mega Game of Aspects like a champ, I fired up the Brainstormer app to get this week’s story going. The wheels gave me: Sacrifice for love, imperialist, forest animals. I may do the aforementioned Game of Aspects Thursday instead! We shall see. Engelmore considered himself no more… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Knotted Tree

Turn And Face The Fit

Some serious changes are continuing to happen on my end of things. I’m looking down the aperture of a legitimate workout regimen with the intent of finally losing a decent amount of weight. It’s my hope that doing so will also yield higher levels of energy and motivation throughout the days and weeks. The life… Continue reading Turn And Face The Fit

Tabletop as Brain Food

I’ve put myself on a path to improve my physical well-being. Being more mindful of what and how much I eat, walking with the intent to start running, looking into a local gym, and so on. Mostly, I fear the atrophy that comes with a sedentary day job and an equally low-impact life at home,… Continue reading Tabletop as Brain Food