Good Games Never Die

Badass biker antiheroes with chainsaws never stop being awesome. The announcement came down yesterday that Disney is pulling the plug on LucasArts. While it seems unlikely that Star Wars games are going to go anywhere, because it’s a cash cow that never seems to run out of milk no matter how past expiration it might… Continue reading Good Games Never Die

Boil Those Bones

Writers, from what I’ve experienced, tend to be pack rats by nature. We hold on to a lot of things, from old knick-knacks to old photos, and especially old manuscripts. I have yet to meet a fellow author who’s said “Yup, I destroyed all my old stories completely.” Even if they never see the light… Continue reading Boil Those Bones

Flash Fiction: What Happened to Stenz

Image courtesy My Secret London At Chuck’s behest, I entered the Secret Door, and it took me here, where I witnessed the following: Gordon, ironically enough, wasn’t terribly fond of Gordon’s. The wine bar had good vintages at good prices, it was true. It was at least a few steps from London’s main thoroughfares and… Continue reading Flash Fiction: What Happened to Stenz

Flash Fiction: The Deep And Dark Waters

In the pitch darkness of the stormy waters, he swam. Only the occasional burst of lightning far away illuminated the blackness. He was so deep, he could barely hear the thunder. Somewhere his mind was insisting that this was wrong. Waters this dark and deep should have felt unnatural in their pressure and the demands… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Deep And Dark Waters

Moderation in Geekdom

If this is the most important thing in the world to you, it’s time to have a talk. I’ve said in the last couple days that I am either in love with or obsessed with Enforcing. I don’t take that sentiment lightly. As rewarding as the experience was, as wonderful as making so many new… Continue reading Moderation in Geekdom