Twilight Imperium – A Pirate's Life For Me

Twilight Imperium is, in a word, massive. It is a box full of galactic hexes, plastic ships, embossed cards, cardboard counters, and reams of rules, all with one purpose: to recreate a space opera on any flat surface that has the space to accomodate it. I often refer to it as “Game of Thrones in… Continue reading Twilight Imperium – A Pirate's Life For Me

Flash Fiction: The Debriefing

Courtesy Hunt for Alien Earths For the Terribleminds challenge, Five Random Sentences. “Tell us everything that happened,” General Hancock said. “Just… start from the beginning,” Professor Ashby added. “And take your time.” Clutching his tea, the pilot gave a short nod. “I’m still not entirely sure how it began. We set down on Epsilon Eridani… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Debriefing

Here We Go Again

More life is happening, more crises, more fires to put out, more more more. And I was almost done with today’s post last night. Ugh.

Flash Fiction: You Don't Bring Me Dead Things Anymore

Art By Stephan Martiniere (Sources: Here and Here). For the Terribleminds challenge “The Titles Have Been Chosen“. Pleased as I am that mine, “Always Have An Exit Strategy”, was one of the finalists, I didn’t want to just pick my own title. Maybe that’s just me. “Cordelia! Where is that sulfur I asked for?” Without… Continue reading Flash Fiction: You Don't Bring Me Dead Things Anymore