The Console Conundrum

I know it’s not an original joke at this point, but I think it’s funny, so there. I was rather pleased when I got home from work last night to discover that Microsoft has backed off on its draconian DRM policies for its upcoming console, the X-Box One. It seems that consumers making their voices… Continue reading The Console Conundrum

Failure to Carve

Courtesy Floating Robes A question that I’ve seen asked of those in my profession is, “How do you know if you’re a writer?” To answer, let me give you a real-life example of what it feels like. The last few days have been, for me, alternating exercises in fatigue and frustration. Difficulties I’ve been dealing… Continue reading Failure to Carve

Dad Bias

This weekend turned out to be busier than I thought it would be. Hence, no flash fiction until tomorrow. And it’s going to be difficult for me. I have to write about a “bad dad”. I have to say my exposure to examples that I can relate to personally is somewhat limited, because I’ve been… Continue reading Dad Bias

The Myth of Misandry

Males of the Internet, I submit to you the following: If you think you’re the target of misandry, you’ve probably done something to deserve it. Before I elaborate, let’s cover some trigger warnings. I’m going to talk about misandry, obviously, but I’m also going to talk about misogyny, degradation and devaluation of women, acerbic Internet… Continue reading The Myth of Misandry

Game Review: Poker Night 2

I’ve been playing poker for most of my adult life. It’s not a regular thing for me – mostly at family gatherings or parties thrown by friends – but I know the game well enough to not completely embarrass myself, usually. Practice makes perfect, though, and a couple years ago Telltale Games provided a means… Continue reading Game Review: Poker Night 2

Wordy Deluge

One of my least favorite things to do is deal with traffic. I like to drive, under most circumstances; I’m still enamored with the open road, music turned up, a bit of a breeze in my hair. Call me a romantic. But stuck in stop-and-go traffic, bumper to bumper, with people generally being unpleasant as… Continue reading Wordy Deluge

Categorized as Writing

Flash Fiction: King's Landing's Hero

I rolled for the Terribleminds ABC meets XYZ challenge, and got “Game of Thrones” meets “Batman”. I’m not sure I stopped there. Night falls on King’s Landing. I find another dog with its guts spilling into the street. This dog was a person, once. Someone’s son. Maybe someone’s husband. Once a human being, now a… Continue reading Flash Fiction: King's Landing's Hero