Flash Fiction: Fenris and the Pilot

Art courtesy Valkyrie Power This week’s Flash has a two-fold purpose: to meet the weekly challenge over at Terribleminds (Down the TV Tropes Rabbit Hole, my random trope was “Amusing Alien”) and to provide some hot robot action for my friends at Geekadelphia. From the moment they got the distress signal, Jack knew the mission… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Fenris and the Pilot

Writer Report: Emergence

The last week or two have been very difficult for me. I’ve been fighting off a pretty nasty bout of depression, and feelings of lethargy and frustration had been vying for my attention. I think I’m emerging from the other end of it, though, and taking steps towards a better future. This is improvement, even… Continue reading Writer Report: Emergence

Flash Fiction: The Last Saloon

After an unfortunate false start last night, I re-rolled for Chuck’s flash fiction challenge “Another Roll of the Dice“. The new rolls gave me the “Grindhouse” genre, with the elements “a troublesome dog” and “a hidden compartment”. The road stretched out into the inky darkness, pierced only by the headlights of the purring 1960 DeSoto… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Last Saloon

Long Days

I still feel like I’m behind the 8-ball. I’m still running on less than my usual level of energy, with long days and longer nights racking up against me. It’s going to be a couple months until I’m officially on vacation, so I’ll just scrape together what rest I can until then. Carving out time… Continue reading Long Days

The (Physically) Written Word

In the words of the inimitable Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast.” I spent equal parts of this past weekend wrapped up in my Internets and staying away from them. I started watching Supernatural with the missus, got some chores done, played some Magic. I played some games, watched more Doctor Who, celebrated the release… Continue reading The (Physically) Written Word