Movie Review: Pacific Rim

Moving pictures are first and foremost a form of entertainment. As much as the storytelling form has evolved to deliver stunning achievements such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and introverted art-haus “tour-de-force” experiences like Antichrist, not every film has to reach for those existentialist or high-minded goals. Sometimes, a writer or director wants to tell… Continue reading Movie Review: Pacific Rim

Flash Fiction: Bump In The Night Raven

From the Terribleminds challenge “Last Lines First” comes… “Truth be told, I’m not sure any of them are actually dead.” The mug of coffee shook in the engineer’s hands. The nails were chipped and the fingers calloused from years of cleaning, changing, tightening, and banging the many moving parts required for jump drives. The man… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Bump In The Night Raven

A Personal Day

I exhausted a good portion of my morning energy laying out some personal thoughts over on Tumblr. I don’t like putting deeply personal stuff here if I can help it, but if you’re curious as to what my actual internal headspace looks like, give the above a click. It’s a bit long and I’m completely… Continue reading A Personal Day

Even Gamers Need Sleep

Very short one today, I’ve been a bit behind in things all morning long. I didn’t get enough sleep last night. I stayed up later than I should have playing the closed beta of [GAME TITLE REDACTED]. I need to find others to discuss it with, as I like it but I have issues with… Continue reading Even Gamers Need Sleep

Flash Fiction: The Great Hall

With this week’s Flash Fiction Challenge over at Terribleminds being less than 50 words long, I turned to The Brainstormer for a subject on which to write a longer piece. It gave me “Hero to Kin”, “Viking”, and “bard”. Enjoy some last-minute scribbles! The fire danced and rose high in the hearth at the center… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Great Hall