Flash Fiction: Gods and Robbers

Chuck’s weekly demand this time is to include four random items. Can you spot them all? They dragged him into the office by his arms. His legs felt weak; there was no way they could support his weight with them yanking him along. He was tossed onto the carpet like a sack of garbage. He… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Gods and Robbers

Movie Review: Red 2

As much as people will say “Lightning never strikes twice,” the Empire State Building in New York City would beg to differ. It’s why sequels keep getting made. The folks in charge of the production of entertainment like to keep giving the people what they want. Sometimes this leads to degradation through iteration, like seasons… Continue reading Movie Review: Red 2

And We're Back!

So apparently GoDaddy had to yank on my site’s chain for some reason. Fun times! I figured I would do another quick Tumblr post this morning and prepare my review of Red 2 for tomorrow which is when I thought the site would be back up. But now it is and I’m uncertain of how… Continue reading And We're Back!

Game Review: Endless Space

I’m no stranger to grand strategy. I grew up learning the ropes in old Avalon Hill wargames, and made the transition easily to so called “4X” games – exploration, expansion, exploitation and extermination – on the PC. Master of Orion was perhaps my favorite of these games, mostly because it was set in space. It’s… Continue reading Game Review: Endless Space

Write Angry

Courtesy Floating Robes Mondays can be difficult. Yesterday especially was a trial. The days in which I am legitimately frustrated, angry, or stressed about a project in front of me have been few and far between, but this was a doozy. I drove home from the office hours after I’d usually leave, thinking about how… Continue reading Write Angry

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