Game Review: High Command

I’m a big fan of the Iron Kingdoms universe. This steampunk fantasy setting has an interesting marriage of magic to technology, several unique-feeling yet familiar nation-states, and semi-sentient steam-powered robot warriors acting as battlefield avatars for wizards who know how to handle themselves in melee combat. Until recently, the two roads into the setting were… Continue reading Game Review: High Command

Adopt A Writer

Take a moment to consider your entertainment. Books, movies, video games – there are so many ways to pass the time these days. All of these lovely distractions would not be possible without writers. And right now, there are many writers out there who need your help. There are some writers fortunate enough to already… Continue reading Adopt A Writer

Flash Fiction: Reports From The Surface

This week, Terribleminds tasked us with identifying the structures described in this Wired article. They are beautiful and unexplained. Here’s my take. Enjoy! The Scout ran at full stride down the corridor to the office of the Overseer. The General was already there, talking about the positioning of the automated drones around the blue-brown world… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Reports From The Surface

Flash Fiction: Remembering Bub

For the Terribleminds challenge, “Another Ten Words“. Even when he was human, he never cared for funerals. Death was an uncomfortable subject for many mortals, and funerals tended to bring an individual face to face with the specter of mortality, especially in violent circles. He stayed back from the front of the church’s sanctuary, where… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Remembering Bub

Games in Story Mode

More than a few video games that provide a multiplayer experience also have single player campaigns. In fighting games and others, this is referred to as ‘story mode’. The quality of these stories can vary wildly, but the pitfalls and perils of storytelling in video games is much better covered by other sources, and it’s… Continue reading Games in Story Mode

Movie Review: Elysium

The summer of 2013 has been a difficult one in terms of finding truly great films. Most of the fare out there is either sequels or trash, and sometimes trashy sequels. Original ideas seemed few and far between. For the most part, I was looking forward to two films that looked like they might breathe… Continue reading Movie Review: Elysium