Breaking Writer's Block: Use Your Anger

Let’s try an experiment, shall we? Most people who swing by this place have at least a passing understanding of Star Wars. You know that prequels to the original classics exist. Maybe you believe they’re abominations. Maybe you think Lucas is a genius and the prequels are under-appreciated gems that outshine the originals. Maybe you… Continue reading Breaking Writer's Block: Use Your Anger

What About Bucky?

It’s been announced that Captain America is coming back. For a while, the former sidekick of the original Cap, Bucky Barnes, has been wearing the blue and wielding the shield, carrying on Cap’s legacy the best way he knows how. It’s meant carrying a gun, because that’s how he operates, but he’s still standing up… Continue reading What About Bucky?

Fly Me To BlizzCon

BlizzCon is the annual convention of all things Blizzard, held in Anaheim, California. Panels will be held for all of Blizzard’s upcoming products, from class balance in World of Warcraft to the latest buzz about Diablo 3. Given it’s location and the rarity of tickets, I always figured it’d be highly unlikely that I’d ever… Continue reading Fly Me To BlizzCon

Blog Schedule

It’s been too long since I’ve updated this space, and for that I apologize. I think what I need to do is lay out a schedule for updates and stick to it. So, here’s my plan: Mondays – Movies & Events. Review of movies I’ve seen, news on upcoming features from various sources, discussion of… Continue reading Blog Schedule

Why I'm playing WoW again.

I’ve flounced around on a few different MMOGs in my past. I cut my teeth and damaged my first marriage with EverQuest. I started playing World of Warcraft after that, and have dabbled in varying degrees with EverQuest 2, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, Eve Online and City of Heroes/Villains. I beta’d Planetside and Tabula… Continue reading Why I'm playing WoW again.

Movie Review: Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian

Cast: Ben Stiller, Amy Adams, Hank Azaria, Owen Wilson, Christopher Guest, Bill Hader, Ricky Gervais and Robin Williams. Stuff I Didn’t Like: Pretty much every aspect of the film is blown out of proportion and played for laughs. It’s predictable given the nature of this movie, but it gets tiresome after a while. Bill Hader… Continue reading Movie Review: Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian

Movie Review: Terminator Salvation

Cast: Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Moon Bloodgood, Anton Yelchin, Bryce Dallas Howard, Common, Michael Ironside and Helena Bonham Carter. The best thing I can say is that it’s not bad. Stuff I Didn’t Like: The whole movie looked and felt like a first-person shooter. Big CG-driven action sequences, a color palette that has huge swatches… Continue reading Movie Review: Terminator Salvation