On The Tube: Fall Preview

Sweeps is once again upon us, and new shows and old favorites alike are vying for your television attention and advertising market share. Below you’ll find the shows I’ll be tuning in for and why. I have to admit this post is somewhat short and formulaic, but an appointment with the dentist and pending deadlines… Continue reading On The Tube: Fall Preview

Double Standards

It’s staggering how much can change in a few short years, isn’t it? During the previous administration, if you spoke out against the President or his policies, you were quickly shouted down as a moron at the very least, and possibly called a terrorist sympathizer or a Communist. Nowadays, if you speak a word of… Continue reading Double Standards

Cut Scenes: MacKenzie's End

Since Lighthouse is being written entirely in first person, scenes like this will no longer appear in the text. This doesn’t make them bad scenes, however: they just don’t fit into the perspective. I’m trying to maintain some mystery and suspense in the story, after all. Anyway, here’s a murder scene from the original iteration… Continue reading Cut Scenes: MacKenzie's End

Customer Service

People want to get the most out of what they pay for. Companies and entire economies rise and fall based on customer confidence and loyalty. If a customer sees a solid, dependable product that delivers on its promises, they’ll use it continually and recommend it to others. Pretty simple concept, right? Say your company manufactures… Continue reading Customer Service


Casseroles are great things for cooks, especially if they’re derived from a previous meal. Take my mother’s famous turkey casserole. Born out of financial hardship, it takes the remainder of a hearty and somewhat pricey turkey dinner from the holidays, mixes various ingredients together into a simple glass casserole dish, and the resulting meal doesn’t… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Stardust

Movie Review: District 9

I’m not going to beat around the bush with this: Go. See. District. 9. Starring Shartlo Copley, Jason Cope, Nathalie Boltt, Vanessa Haywood, David James, Mandla Gaduka and Hlengiwe Madlala. Directed by Neill Blomkamp, produced by Peter Jackson.


There is a conceit among several movers and shakers in the entertainment industry, that people are perfectly happy paying their hard-earned money for dumb entertainment. With completely straight faces, they put features on the screen that are little more than vehicles for a string of unrealistic shootouts linked by insincere acting, bouncing breasts, or both.… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Ronin

The Coming Cataclysm

So Blizzcon has come and gone, and along with hands-on time with Starcraft II and the unveiling of the Monk class for Diablo III, the big feature of the convention was the announcement of the next expansion to the World of Warcraft, Cataclysm. The reactions to the various announcements have been mixed, and I’d like… Continue reading The Coming Cataclysm