While I’m over here in a corner recovering from an extremely hectic Monday, why don’t you enjoy part 2 of my semi-epic Conan character backstory.
Author: BlueInkAlchemist
IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Rise: Blood Hunter
(special request by Monica Flink. Thanks for your support!) [audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/rise.mp3] Vampires killing vampires really isn’t anything new. It’s ground that’s been trod pretty heavily. But while Blade focuses on gadgetry and the badassness of Wesley Snipes, and Underworld deals with the world of normal people as little as possible, Rise: Blood Hunter tells a tight,… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Rise: Blood Hunter
Canned Goods: Lykandros pt 1
When you don’t have a lot of time, but still need to eat something in order to fulfill your obligations to the people paying for the roof over your head, there’s no shame in reaching for something canned. Sure, it’s not very good for you, and doesn’t taste like anything you could get from a… Continue reading Canned Goods: Lykandros pt 1
Jotting in the Margins: Do-Over
I picked up Dragon Age: Origins because I’m a sucker for both fantasy role-playing games and BioWare’s writing. Sure, they’ll dump extensive write-ups into your journal (or Codex in this case) at the slightest provocation and some of the conversations can be a little long-winded, but the writing is so good and the character stories… Continue reading Jotting in the Margins: Do-Over
Cut Scenes & Cut Characters
Lighthouse is, I feel, benefiting from a lack of perspective. I want my heroine to maintain her unique voice throughout the story, which means periphery scenes told from an outside perspective need to be cut. This means that several of the characters I’d meant to introduce early in the story will also not make their… Continue reading Cut Scenes & Cut Characters
Everything's Cooler in Space: Character Creation
I’m actually not going to spend much time on this today – I have a lot to do at the day job. So I’ll just put some of the notes I have on character creation for the sci-fi RPG here and see if anybody has any feedback. Attributes Body: Strength, Agility, Endurance Mind: Perception, Intelligence,… Continue reading Everything's Cooler in Space: Character Creation
(special request by Daniel Evan Cochran-Smith. Thanks for your support!) [audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/quarantine.mp3] So The Blair Witch Project was an indy success and groundbreaking in the horror genre. And everybody loves zombies for one reason or another. Putting the two together is like getting your chocolate in my peanut butter, right? Well, it could be. Quarantine shows… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Quarantine
Televising the Revolution is for Suckers
VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent… Continue reading Televising the Revolution is for Suckers
PT: Turning Negatives Into Positives
Nobody feels fantastic all the time, at least not without heavy drinking or severe medication. Creative people are, by and large, emotional and thus emotional blindsides getting hit can knock you right off of the rails you’d been riding towards the completion of a project. How do you deal with this sort of thing, other… Continue reading PT: Turning Negatives Into Positives
Round the Table: D&D For All
When Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition was announced in 2007, the reaction was somewhat mixed. Much of the community had found 3rd Edition to be a little cumbersome, though less so than the THAC0 days of AD&D. While my memories of lunchtime dungeon crawls in junior high are no less fond these days, albeit somewhat… Continue reading Round the Table: D&D For All