Not too long ago I discussed some basics on how to build effective characters. I think some specific examples might be helpful to people trying to scribble out compelling fiction, and in the wake of NaNoWriMo, you might be looking back over your work wondering how to improve something. Hopefully, examinations of existing characters might… Continue reading Building Character: The Brain
Author: BlueInkAlchemist
[audio:] With it’s bright colors, animal characters and a co-protagonist nowhere near puberty, it would be easy to dismiss Up as a kid’s movie. And while there are things in the film that kids will like and cause them to want to watch the movie repeatedly, there are themes, characterizations and nuances that will fly… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Up
Canned Goods: Lykandros pt 3
Trolls In Suits
Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Critics Criticism isn’t something you should fear. Even if it’s not meant to be constructive, criticism can be used to shore up your work. There will always be someone out there who will test your work for flaws and point them out for you. Some even… Continue reading Trolls In Suits
Everything's Cooler In Space: Mood Music
Kicking around in the back of my head as I work on novels, video entries and freelance gaming submissions, the sci-fi tabletop project continues to slowly but surely take shape. Assisting that is a few pieces of music. I’ll list them for you, talk about their merits & nuances, and what they mean to this… Continue reading Everything's Cooler In Space: Mood Music
Desert Bus '09
If you click on the above image, you will be transported to the wonder of this year’s Desert Bus event. What is the Desert Bus event, you ask? The gamer-loving folks from LoadingReadyRun have established a yearly event for the Child’s Play charity by playing a game in a marathon style. They’ve chosen the timeless,… Continue reading Desert Bus '09
[audio:] Push came out in the midst of the resurgence of the super-hero film. After the success of X-Men and Spider-Man, and the advent of Heroes on television, there have been super-hero stories both good and bad brought to the big screen. Comparisons between Push and, say, Iron Man are pretty much inevitable. While it… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Push
PT: Sit Down & Get Off Your Ass
Unless you’re a large business with the right sort of representation to bitch & whine to the government for a bailout, you can’t get something for nothing. You need to work to be successful. Even geckos know that. And you don’t want to be outdone by a gecko, do you? I didn’t think so. I… Continue reading PT: Sit Down & Get Off Your Ass
Works in Progress III: Video Crossroads
The writing continues apace. I haven’t had another burst of words like last Monday night, but I’m still close to finishing another chapter of Lighthouse. I’ve been commissioned to write a Pathfinder adventure of 8-10k words, which I’m chipping away at with the hope of having something to deliver by the end of the week.… Continue reading Works in Progress III: Video Crossroads
Everything's Cooler in Space: It Ain't Rocket Science
Okay, I lied. I mentioned last week I’d go over more skills and perks, but seriously, what good will it do me to expound upon those aspects of the game if nobody wants to play it? So the question I’m going to try and answer should be obvious: why would someone want to play it?… Continue reading Everything's Cooler in Space: It Ain't Rocket Science