IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Mutant Chronicles

[audio:] Adaptations are a good way to cull an established audience from one medium and transplant them into another to generate more revenue and attention for a given work. Just look at the success of The Lord of the Rings, Iron Man and even Twilight. Novels, comic books, even toys have had some success moving… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Mutant Chronicles

Trek through Trek: The Animated Series

You might be expecting me to discuss Star Trek: The Next Generation next in this series, but that would be disingenous to the actual chronological order in which the universe of Star Trek developed over the years. For 2 seasons, the blink of an eye by the standards of some series, Star Trek returned to… Continue reading Trek through Trek: The Animated Series

Building Character: The Adversarial Ally

As Heinlein once pointed out, heroes and villains come in complimentary pairs. Sometimes the protagonist of a given tale will spend more time with or thinking about the antagonist than they do their significant other. One might even find fiction that turns the antagonist into the hero’s significant other. However, it could be argued that… Continue reading Building Character: The Adversarial Ally

"What do you mean, I'm doing it wrong?"

Human beings, being mortal creatures, are bound to mess things up sooner or later. This is true in every endeavor an individual undertakes. And sometimes, it falls to others to inform us that we’re incorrect in the manner with which we’ve been proceeding. In other words, sooner or later, you’re going to be told you’re… Continue reading "What do you mean, I'm doing it wrong?"

Not-so-new Rules

George Carlin gave us some new rules to follow back in 2006. To make sure you have all been doing your due diligence, here they are again. Enjoy. EDIT: I have been informed that these rules actually belong to Bill Maher, but since I like George more and miss him terribly, I’m not changing the… Continue reading Not-so-new Rules

Categorized as Opinion Tagged


[audio:] I’m going to begin with a confession. This is not the sort of movie that finds its way onto my Netflix queue. However, when I find myself at my parents’ house for the holidays, I tend to be more at the mercy of what’s on their big-screen TV. The House Bunny ended up being… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The House Bunny

A Holiday Wish

Whatever walk of faith you might be on (if any) Whatever wish you have for this season (if any) No matter where you go Or who you are with I pray for you to be happy I pray for you to be at peace I pray for you to know great love And I pray… Continue reading A Holiday Wish