Like Water Over Rock

It seems that more often than not, stories in popular media from novels to motion pictures spring fully formed from the heads of their creators. Like Athena emerging from the cranium of Zeus, except she’s a goddess and a lot of these stories are more likely to ride the short bus than a blazing chariot.… Continue reading Like Water Over Rock

Willing To Explain Why You Suck

Internet criticism is certainly nothing new. In fact, just about anywhere you turn along the so-called “information superhighway” you will come across critics of one form or another, even if an argument made against a particular point only takes the form of a lolcat. However, some Internet critics have carved out niches for themselves either… Continue reading Willing To Explain Why You Suck

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Battlestar Galactica

[audio:] In recent years, for one reason or another, many stories in speculative fiction have been ‘rebooted’. In most cases the ‘new’ versions of the stories have suffered from either not being very well executed, getting called out for disregarding the established histories and characterizations of the source material or both. Transformers, Star Wars and… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Battlestar Galactica

About The Audience

“It’s a work of fiction. It’s a metaphor.” This is, apparently, what George Lucas says to people who criticize his work. When they bring up Jar Jar Binks, nuking the fridge or the complete dehumanization of Star Wars, he tells them something along those lines. And somewhere between his lips and my ears, the words… Continue reading About The Audience

What's It All About, Then?

This might be my inexperience with Hollywood talking, but I think a lot of pitches to studio execs or producers go in this direction: “So check out my new script, for the next Adventures of Captain Spanky! Captain Spanky flies out to meet the Naughticans, a race of hot alien babes bent on subjugating the… Continue reading What's It All About, Then?

Star Trek: Farraday 1.2

Previously… The USS Farraday, en route to Earth for refit or decommission, encountered odd subspace message fragments and tiny black holes in and around the Regula planetoid. The fragments indicate the involvement of an Admiral Kirk, which is odd considering Kirk was only recently promoted to captain of the Enterprise following the Nero incident.