Dead in the Water?

So that idea I mentioned in yesterday’s IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! podcast? I got it off the ground. I actually got off my ass and tried something new. Basically, the idea goes something like this. There are a lot of podcasts out there that get awfully boring awfully fast. I enjoy podcasting, but just because… Continue reading Dead in the Water?


[audio:] Alfred Hitchcock once said that there’s a big difference between surprise and suspense. I hope he won’t mind if I paraphrase a little. If I were sitting here talking about movies, and my desk were to explode because someone planted a bomb here, that’d be a surprise. Now, if you as the audience knew… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Hurt Locker

Writing Right

We all study at the feet of giants. Even if they are only giants in our own minds, we get from where we are to where we want to be by studying others. As an aspiring writer, I look towards people who write and are not only enjoying a measure of success, but have what… Continue reading Writing Right


This is just going to be a quick little reminder about an undeniable fact that is occasionally hard to swallow. I’m imperfect. Yes, I’ll blog about how I go about doing the writing thing as if other people should do the same, or venture my opinion about a piece of entertainment media that some others… Continue reading Imperfection

A Biblical Post

Don’t run, don’t run! I’m not going to talk about religion! I’m going to talk about that whole planning thing I mentioned. Remember that list that I posted, of things to do in order to achieve that level of great success that others will note? Here’s how it looks now: Get plot points vetted. Generate… Continue reading A Biblical Post

Preview: Star Trek Online

Fans of Star Trek, brace yourselves. Cryptic Studio’s Star Trek Online is just around the corner. Some are already scrambling to get lifetime subscriptions and all the extra goodies they can, whereas I’m just trying to determine if this game is worth my time and money. From what I’ve seen of the open beta, it… Continue reading Preview: Star Trek Online