Regarding Halo (Delayed)

I originally had a post here that wasn’t written very well and was full of failure, so until I can properly articulate my feelings on first person shooters in general and Halo in particular, here’s a picture of my cat looking at some snow.

Game Review: BioShock 2

“Somewhere… beyond the sea, somewhere… waiting for me…” I mentioned in my review of the first BioShock that Rapture is a living, breathing entity. One of the biggest impressions made by its sequel is that the underwater city didn’t just up and disappear after the conclusion of the first game. Rapture marched on without us,… Continue reading Game Review: BioShock 2


[audio:] If some of the screenwriters and directors in Hollywood are to be believed, computers are magical devices. Hook yours up to a wall socket, type really fast, and hey presto, the Pentagon’s your bitch. Some hackers out there are so good they can do this while being held at gunpoint, or shall we say… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Sneakers

Missing the Mako

Jaysus Begorrah, there are a lot of Mass Effect 2 reviews out there. I suppose sooner or later I’ll post one of my own, once I’m able to play the damn thing, but going with my revamped “one at a time” policy, I need to finish Dragon Age and BioShock 2 first. Which hopefully means… Continue reading Missing the Mako

One At A Time

I hate Dragon Age: Origins right now. There’s apparently a memory leak in the PC version of the game that causes load times to last longer and longer the more you play it. If you play for, say, an hour, you might not notice. But in my fervor to finish my first play-through I spent… Continue reading One At A Time

The Way To Her Heart

My wife likes chocolates, shoes and shiny jewelry as much as the next woman. But the truest way to her heart involves things far nerdier than such pedestrian items. See, I married a gamer. She carries dice in her purse, she knows the ins and outs of many character classes in a variety of games… Continue reading The Way To Her Heart

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Starship Troopers

[audio:] I’m not going to mince words. Robert Heinlein is the reason I got interested in writing fiction. Granted, it was his novel The Cat Who Walks Through Walls that started the wheels turning in my head, but Starship Troopers was also evocative and fascinating to the nascent mind of this young writer twenty years… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Starship Troopers