IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Ghost in the Shell

[audio:] Back in the days of the late 80s and early 90s, when the excess of the previous decade were giving way to the ‘edgy’ goth culture that emerged to dominate a lot of the media in the next – The Crow, Spawn, A Nightmare Before Christmas, etc – America was getting its first real… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Ghost in the Shell

The Underlying Theme

Courtesy Terribleminds, make with the clicky-clickly I think I was consciously putting this off. Not because the idea of establishing a theme for the novel is disinteresting to me, no. I just didn’t want to define a theme and then get preachy about it. I don’t want this to be the kind of story where… Continue reading The Underlying Theme


There have been some interesting reactions to yesterday’s ICFN entry, which I may address later. For now, I’m trying to get the laptop’s graphics up to Azerothian snuff, and in the course of doing so, I’ve seen the word ‘prototype’ flash once or twice. That got me thinking. A lot of a writer’s drafts could… Continue reading Prototypes